Thursday, July 5, 2007

8-week Well-Baby Check-Up

8 wks: 12 lbs 12.5oz, 24.5 in

(AMW: Isn't that amazing? In 8 wks her weight has increased by 64%! That's like me gaining 16 lbs per week for eight weeks. In her first four weeks she grew four inches - that's 1/8" per day! If you had one of those sped-up videos (like the ones that show flowers blooming), you could actually have seen her grow!)

She's 98% for length, 95% for weight and 90% for her head. So she's pretty big, but evenly distributed! =)

She's tall and skinny. Most people think she's a three month old when they see how big and long she is. Even the doctor said he thought she was older. I mentioned she only poops about once every three days and he said it's 'cause she's using everything I feed her . . . . "Just look at her!"

I guess that's all for now. We're feeding every three hours through the night still, but we don't get out of bed. It's not bad at all. She stirs, I roll over and feed her, we fall back to sleep. She's been kind to us. =)


1 comment:

Jodel said...

she is growing sooo Fast.. you all look soo happy Many many Blessings to you