Monday, July 30, 2007

12 Weeks Old

Anastyn will be 12 weeks old on Wednesday!

It's amazing. It doesn't seem like it's going too fast as much as it seems like I've had her forever. I continue to be in awe of her and my love is a warm, peaceful, tender all-consuming one that wants to smother her with kisses all day long. (poor girl)

(Andi 10 weeks old - picture day)

As we approach the three-month mark she's still happy and easy. She truly is a blessing to Andrew and me. She still loves putting her hands up over her head. I call it "reach for the stars." Most days she hates being on her tummy, but the last couple of days she's been doing better. She's holding her head up and looking around for longer periods before she starts fussing. Her new favorite thing is to sit up (with help) and look around. If you lay her down she fusses until you hold her hands so she can pull herself up and sit. She's taking a liking to relaxing in her swing, but she doesn't stay asleep too long when she's in it.

Speaking of sleep: She's only waking up 1x during the night these days. We go to bed around 9:30pm and she wakes up around 4am to eat. Last week she even slept all through the night twice (waking up around 6:30-7am)!!! I'm so proud of my baby girl!

(Andi 7/22/07)

It's never too early to start them! I've been teaching Andi Texas Hold'em. Here she's playing Hand and Foot on Nana's lap. She really got into it as she loved looking at all the contrasting numbers. One of her favorite things to look at right now is our kitchen clock. She likes the bathroom one as well, but doesn't get to see it as much. Later, during cards, when she was sitting on my lap, she held her first object. Yes, folks, the very first thing she ever grabbed for, and held on to, by herself, was the 7 of spades! She's mommy's little girl!!!

(Andi and Nana Playing Cards)

Friday, July 6, 2007

Andi's 1st Big Pool!

How cute is she in her little swimsuit!!!

Today we took Andi to Pam's house where she went swimming with Daddy. It was her first time in a real pool.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

8-week Well-Baby Check-Up

8 wks: 12 lbs 12.5oz, 24.5 in

(AMW: Isn't that amazing? In 8 wks her weight has increased by 64%! That's like me gaining 16 lbs per week for eight weeks. In her first four weeks she grew four inches - that's 1/8" per day! If you had one of those sped-up videos (like the ones that show flowers blooming), you could actually have seen her grow!)

She's 98% for length, 95% for weight and 90% for her head. So she's pretty big, but evenly distributed! =)

She's tall and skinny. Most people think she's a three month old when they see how big and long she is. Even the doctor said he thought she was older. I mentioned she only poops about once every three days and he said it's 'cause she's using everything I feed her . . . . "Just look at her!"

I guess that's all for now. We're feeding every three hours through the night still, but we don't get out of bed. It's not bad at all. She stirs, I roll over and feed her, we fall back to sleep. She's been kind to us. =)


Wednesday, July 4, 2007

July 4th 2007!

Our first 4th of July at the Den!

This year for the Fourth we had Benjamin, Karin, Evan and their new little one Brylie over for a BBQ. We then headed to Livermore to watch the fireworks.

Even though it was past her bedtime, Andi was awake and alert and seemed to actually be watching the fireworks! =)

Here's some Pictures of Andi (8 weeks) and her cousin Brylie (3 weeks).

Everyone thought they might look like twins, since their daddies are Identical Twins. But it turns out the look more like "Twins" with Danny Devito and Arnold Schwarzenegger. =)